5 Ways to Have an Active Pregnancy This Winter - Mumberry

5 Ways to Have an Active Pregnancy This Winter

woman having an active pregnancy

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The days are shorter, the temperatures are colder, and the conditions outside can be more hazardous to preggos (i.e. icy roads that make it easy to slip - eek!) All of that can make it much more tempting to stay inside and snuggle up with a Christmas movie and a cup of hot chocolate rather than exercise.

But we know that YOU know how important it is to have an active pregnancy. It has amazing benefits for you including a reduced risk of pre-eclampsia/high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, and it helps you recover faster postpartum. Not only that, but it has some especially good benefits for you baby, too. 

Women who exercise during pregnancy are essentially helping to set their baby up for a healthy life, as physical activity can help reduce the chance of him or her getting diseases later on life. Sure, just because you exercise doesn't guarantee your little one will have life free of health problems, but it does help make that a possibility.

Unless you've been told by your doctor that you need to take it easy, there's nothing wrong with having an active pregnancy! In fact, there's everything "right" with it. 

But like we said, winter weather can alter even the most dedicated of mama's motivation for exercising. So here are some tips to help you stay active even when those chilly temps tempt you to take it easy.

1. Try an at home workout - if you don't have a gym membership, you might feel stuck in icy, snowy weather. Try an at-home workout DVD or youtube video! Some of our favorites are Kristin McGee's Prenatal Yoga, Knocked Up Fitness workouts, and Move Your Bump Total Body Workout. For more ideas, check out these 8 FREE At-Home Prenatal Workouts that you can do with minimal equipment.

2. Go to a new class - sometimes you just get into a workout rut, and a new class can get you motivated all over again. Most gyms have a variety of different classes you can try, so go for something you wouldn't normally, like Zumba, Piloxing, or TRX. Pay in advance and you'll be much less likely to skip!

3. Buy some maternity workout gear - something new that flatters and supports your growing bump can make working out more fun and can motivate you! Your hubby's old college sweatshirt and pre-pregnancy yoga pants can only get you so far.

4. Take a Walk - we suggest doing your high intensity working out indoors, away from the icy pavement, but if you can't stand to stay cooped up then try taking a walk. Walking at a brisk pace for an hour can burn almost 400 calories and has a ton of benefits. 

5. Go shopping - our personal favorite suggestion! It's holiday season, after all. A brisk lap at the mall is just as good as heading outdoors to take a walk. And maybe even a little more productive. ;)


In Closing

What are your favorite ways to have an active pregnancy during the winter? Share with us in the comment section!


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