6 Things You Can Do For a Healthy Pregnancy - Mumberry

6 Things You Can Do For a Healthy Pregnancy - Mumberry

Here at Mumberry we take pregnancy health and fitness very seriously – I’m sure you’ve gathered that by now. But just in case you missed it, WE WANT YOU TO HAVE A HEALTHY PREGNANCY! Not only will it make your life better, but probably your husband’s life AND your unborn baby’s life better. Win. Win. Win!

Here are 6 Things You Can Do For a Healthy Pregnancy: (we also love lists)

1. Take Those Prenatal Vitamins!

Prenatal vitamins typically carry more nutrients than standard multivitamins. These extra nutrients help ensure proper development of your baby! So ditch those multivitamins and jump on the prenatal vitamin bandwagon! If that wasn’t a thing, it is now!

Obviously we were going to mention this! We may think this is a little important…Just remember that exercise during pregnancy can be different for everyone. Unless you’ve been instructed otherwise by a doctor, staying active will make your pregnancy AND delivery that much easier on your body. The most important thing is to listen to your body and don’t over exert yourself and your baby.
For pregnancy-safe exercises check out our YouTube Channel!
And if you need some great apparel to keep your bump supported during these exercises, or even just lounging around the house, we’ve got you covered!

3. Check your meds
Making sure all your medications are pregnancy-safe is very important. Have your doctor give you a list of safe medications you can take. If you ever have a question about a medication, consult with your doctor before taking it. You know the drill, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Great advice, especially when you’re carrying precious cargo.

4. Dental Visits
Have you ever heard the myth that pregnant women should avoid the dentist? It’s crazy! Don’t believe everything you read on the internet (except this, you should believe this!) Many feel the dentist is unsafe because of the x-rays, and that’s still true. But routine dental visits are still encouraged. During pregnancy, your hormones will be out-of-control! These drastic fluctuations actually make you more apt to gum diseases and tooth decay. You know what you should do immediately after reading this blog post? Go buy that cute emerald tank from our store you’ve had your eye on! And after visiting the store, you know what you should do? Schedule a dentist appointment!

5. Nutrition!
The only thing we’ve stressed almost as much as exercise is nutrition! It’s recommended when with child that you take in 300 extra calories per day in the second and third trimesters. In order to help maintain proper blood sugar levels, eating 6 small meals a day is encouraged. It can also help with nausea because you won’t get as hungry in between meals. Make sure you’re ingesting MOSTLY healthy calories to help give your baby the nutrients she needs to grow. But hey, a little ice cream never hurt anyone.

This is our favorite! Sleep CHANGES EVERYTHING! I’m sure by now you’ve had many people tell you to sleep now, because once baby comes that sleep will be hard to come by! Guess what? These people are geniuses and YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO THEM! Your body will be tired from that little task of…GROWING ANOTHER HUMAN…so cut it some slack. Take that afternoon nap when the urge strikes you. We won’t judge!

Basic Lesson Learned: Take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself means you’re taking care of baby. It also means you’ll be a FANTASTIC mother! You guys are rockstars.

For more pregnancy tips, be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter!

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