Pregnancy Exercises to Prepare for a VBAC - Mumberry

Pregnancy Exercises to Prepare for a VBAC

If you’ve given birth through Cesarean by choice or necessity, and have been wondering how to prepare for VBAC in a future pregnancy, the idea of planning a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC) may seem overwhelming.

Relaxation techniques, certain exercises, a prenatal yoga class, and visualizing a vaginal delivery will help reduce your chances of a repeat cesarean.

Below are some pregnancy exercises for VBAC.

how to prepare for a BVAC


Pregnancy or birth balls strengthen and comforts your lower back.  With more strength, your pelvis is better supported and symmetrical. Sitting correctly on a birth ball encourages your baby to settle in an anterior position when the mother’s ligaments and fascia are balanced.

When you should use a birth ball

Use a birth ball to sit instead of a chair. You can trade the chair for a birth ball at the computer, at the table, and even while watching TV. 

Tips To Using A Pregnancy Ball

  • Makes sure that it is properly inflated
  • Use ball only on flat surfaces



Prenatal yoga classes are an ideal way for pregnant women to tone your muscle, keep limber and increase circulation during pregnancy.  Best all there is minimal impact on your joints.

A consistent yoga practice will aid you in resisting the urge to tighten up when you feel pain and make it easier to relax instead.

Prenatal yoga also decreases your chance of having pregnancy complications and lowers your pain and stress levels.

According to UT Southwestern Medical Center, the top 3 Yoga poses to train for childbirth are

  1. Child’s Pose

    A gentle beginning Yoga stretch for your lower body.

  2. Deep squat

    Squats can help you prepare and be ready for labor and birth. The exercises can help you cope with contractions in early and late labor. Furthermore, they can also help the baby to descend deeper down into the pelvis. Squats also help to prepare the pelvic floor muscles for birth.

  3. Quadruped cat/cow


These three yoga poses are simple to do and extremely effect. Read our Baby Bump workout to learn how to do each pose the correct way!


As pregnancy progresses, your deep core muscles play a key role in the proper strengthening of your abs muscles. It surrounds your trunk like a corset and involuntarily contracts when you sneeze.

The action of this muscle compresses the abdominal cavity, and it can help you push during labor.


Pelvic tilts strengthen abdominal muscles as well as helping to relieve backaches during pregnancy and labor. This, in turn, eases delivery. This exercise also improves the flexibility of your back, and wards off back pain.

Pelvic tilts can be done in various positions, but down on your hands and knees is the easiest way to learn it.


High Intensity Interval Training

Get your doctor's written approval before starting any new exercise, especially you'll want to keep in mind the standard safety rules for exercise during pregnancy   

High Intensity Interval Training exercises are regarded to be far more effective than cardio exercises. High-intensity exercising consists of different exercises including running or squatting.  This exercise enhances the body’s endurance and maintains your body’s fitness.  

Will HIIT help me have a faster delivery?

It prepares the mother’s body for labor and baby’s birth. Furthermore, it reduces pregnancy annoyances, such as back pain, pelvic girdle pain, constipation, and fatigue.

Will jumping, kicking and hopping during pregnancy hurt my baby?

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends pregnant women avoid any exercises involving jumping, jarring motions or quick changes in direction frequently used in most HIIT program. 

These movement may strain your joints and increase your risk of injury during pregnancy.


To have success in preparation for VBAC during pregnancy, it’s advisable to stick to a trusted pregnancy exercise plan. These exercises can yield great benefits with the least effort.

Furthermore, the exercises require no special equipment except comfortable clothes and a little space to do them.

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