A Vegetarian Pregnancy: Sweet Potato and Black Bean Grain Bowl - Mumberry

A Vegetarian Pregnancy: Sweet Potato and Black Bean Grain Bowl

Does even looking at a piece of meat make you want to puke lately? You're not the only one, girl.

An aversion to meat (especially during the first trimester) is actually super common during pregnancy, and pushes a lot of women towards a vegetarian pregnancy.

This makes it somewhat difficult to plan healthy meals and get in all the nutrients you need to grow a human.

The good news, though, is that there are plenty of ways to assure you're getting all you and your baby need, with just a little careful planning and some awesome recipes, like this one from Alaine over at My Texas Kitchen!

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Grain Bowl:

healthy vegetarian meal for pregnancy

(Photo via @ MyTxKitchen.com)

Alaine says: "This bowl is not only satisfying but a good way to get in a serving of vegetables, whole-grains, legumes and healthy fats in one meal. Quite the upgrade from the peanut butter sandwich I’ve been packing myself this week. The third trimester struggle is real y’all. If you are in a lunch rut, give this Sweet Potato and Black Bean Grain Bowl a try. You won’t be disappointed."

Click on over to her website for the complete recipe and take a minute to browse her blog. 


{For 3 more amazing meatless recipes from Alaine, download our free Vegetarian Nutrition Guide! You'll love her tasty creations!}
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